Funerals and Memorial Services

A Tradition of Unity For several centuries in America it has been the custom in the church to bury its members in the immediate vicinity of the church building known as the “churchyard.” These grounds were carefully and faithfully maintained by both the relatives of the persons buried there and by the parish community, all recognizing their common heritage in the sacredness of that place. The churchyard symbolizes the faith we profess in the unity of the church, a unity that recognizes no real or abiding separation between Christians, living and dead.
In three different centuries, this tradition has been followed in the Churchyard of St. David’s Episcopal Church in Ashburn, VA. Internment began in the Churchyard in the middle 1800’s when Belmont Chapel was the center of the grounds. Many generations of Christians were buried for more than 100 years until Belmont Chapel fell into ruin. In the 1990’s, St. David’s Episcopal Church reclaimed this holy hill. Early in our stewardship of this place we identified the existing graves, mapped and marked them and assured their safety. Where vandals and time had destroyed markers, we restored them and the Churchyard was returned to good order. Finally we began again the burial of the new generations. Today as you walk through our Churchyard you will see the graves of saints from the 1800s, the 1900s, and the 2000s.

​St. David’s will do whatever it can to serve you through the grief, celebration, and loss when a loved one dies. Many of our church’s services are provided through the generosity of volunteers and donors, and they are offered to you at no charge. Because some services require extra hours from our staff, we pass those costs on to you.

Basic fee for Memorial or Funeral includes:

  • Use of the church, narthex, a  printed service program, and services of the staff & volunteers. $300/non-members. No charge for members.
  • Use of the narthex for a catered reception.
  • The pastoral care of the church, including Clergy and Lay Pastoral Care team.
  • Clergy participation for off-site but local burial or interment of remains included.

Additional fees:

  • Organist/Pianist
  • Other Musicians, Soloists, Sound technician
  • Altar Flowers (please discuss particular preferences with the Flower Guild); $125
  • The Honorarium to the Clergy $175.  (Please make a separate check to  “Rector’s Discretionary Fund”).

Columbarium at

St. David's

We have acknowledged the changing customs for burial in the United States. We have added both an indoor columbarium inside the Sanctuary as well as an external columbarium within the churchyard. These columbaria are designed to provide a place of dignity and honor for those Christians who prefer cremation. In addition they provide places for quiet reflection and prayer for the friends and relatives of those interred therein.
The indoor columbarium is located in the south wall of the Sanctuary to the right of the main alter. The exterior columbarium is located at the head of the Churchyard in a circle of memorial stones interspersed with benches for seating.
If you are interested in obtaining a columbaria niche please contact St. David’s at 703-729-0570. A complete set of the rules and regulations of the Churchyard are also available from the staff members.

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